Comprehensive vs Collision
Do you know the difference between comprehensive and collision coverage on your auto insurance policy?
- Comprehensive damage includes vehicle loss by animal, fire, lightning, explosion, theft, windstorm, hail, earthquake, flood, mischief, vandalism, falling objects, etc
- Collision pays for damage to your car resulting from colliding with an object, or flipping over: running into another vehicle, hitting a tree, or if another vehicle hits yours then leaves the scene.
How does the *deductible work?
- Example: a deer runs in front of your car and there is $5,000 in damage. Your policy has a $1,000 deductible. Insurance will pay the body shop $4,000 and you pay the body shop your deductible of $1,000.
- Collision accident example: You back into a light poll at your home. There is $2,000 in **damages to your car. With a $1,000 collision deductible, Insurance would pay the body shop $1,000 and you would pay the body shop your $1,000 deductible.
*There are different deductible options. Ask your agent for pricing differences. It may be a way to lower your cost. A $2,000 deductible will cost less in premium than a $250 deductible, but of course you’ll need to be able to pay that higher out of pocket cost when something does happen.
**Keep in mind that not all damages to your vehicle must be turned into the insurance company. It is highly recommended you call your agent to notify them of any accidents. They may need to file a report needed by the state, and you’ll want it documented in case there’s more damage than first thought….but you can request the claim NOT be turned into your insurance.
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